Where do you live? I live in a house. 你住在哪儿? 我住在一所房子里.
What colour is it? 这是什么颜色?
My birthday is June ninth. 我的生日是在6月9日.
Are you tall or short? 你个头高还是矮?
get to work 开始上课/干活
Stand on your feet. 请站起身来.
You are 1.2 metres tall. 你身高一米二.
She is taller and he is shorter. 她高些而他矮点儿.
far from 离……很远
live on
Park Road. 我住在公园路.
Me, too! 我也是!
Here is the bus. 公共汽车来了.
How do you go to school? 你怎么去上学?
by bus 乘公共汽车.
walk to school 步行上学