38.Manners make the man.观其待人而知其人 .
39.Misfortune tests the sincerity of friends. 患难识知交.
40.No cross, no crown.没有苦难,就没有快乐 .
41.Nobody's enemy but his own. 自寻苦恼 .
42.One man's fault is another man's lesson. 前车之覆,后车之鉴 .
43.Pardon all men, but never thyself. 严以律已,宽以待人.
44.Reason is the guide and light of life. 理智是人生的灯塔 .
45.Sadness and gladness succeed one another. 乐极生悲,苦尽甘来 .
46.Still waters run deep.流静水深,人静心深 .
fire is the test of gold; adversity of strong men. 烈火炼真金,逆境炼壮士 .
48.The fox may grow grey, but never good. 江山易改,本性难移 .
49.The more a man learns, the more he sees his ignorance. 知识越广博,越感已无知 .
50.Virtue is a jewel of great price. 美德是无价之宝 .
51.Weak things united become strong. 一根筷子易折断,十根筷子硬如铁 .
52.We can't judge a person by what he says but by what he does.